Hindamisteenused, Estate Valuation, Varade haldus, seadmete hindamine, vallasvara hindamine, vara väärtuse määramine,transporditeenus, müügi korraldamine söiduautode hindamine,veokite ja haagiste hindamine, mootorrataste ja ATV`de hindamine,ehitustehnika ja laotehnika hindamine, pöllumajandusseadmete hindamine, metsatehnika hindamine, tootmisseadmete hindamine ,köögitehnika hindamine, eetehnika hindamine (jahid, kaatrid jne), kontserttehnika ja lavatehnika hindamine, muu vallasvara hindamine

Equipment and personal estate valuation, construction- and storage equipment, agricultural machines, forestry equipment,industrial equipment restaurant and kitchen appliances,boats and yachts,concert- and stage appliances,other assets,Appraisal price depends of the complexity of appraisable object and place of the asset. For more specific information please contact our specialist. Estate managemenet,company under bankrupt or in sales process,estate valuation, transport- and storage service arrangement, sales arrangement Possibilities for different variations for each client are available.

Hindamisteenused, Estate Valuation, Varade haldus, seadmete hindamine, vallasvara hindamine, vara väärtuse määramine,transporditeenus, müügi korraldamine söiduautode hindamine,veokite ja haagiste hindamine, mootorrataste ja ATV`de hindamine,ehitustehnika ja laotehnika hindamine, pöllumajandusseadmete hindamine, metsatehnika hindamine, tootmisseadmete hindamine ,köögitehnika hindamine, eetehnika hindamine (jahid, kaatrid jne), kontserttehnika ja lavatehnika hindamine, muu vallasvara hindamine

Equipment and personal estate valuation, construction- and storage equipment, agricultural machines, forestry equipment,industrial equipment restaurant and kitchen appliances,boats and yachts,concert- and stage appliances,other assets,Appraisal price depends of the complexity of appraisable object and place of the asset. For more specific information please contact our specialist. Estate managemenet,company under bankrupt or in sales process,estate valuation, transport- and storage service arrangement, sales arrangement Possibilities for different variations for each client are available.

hindamine, hindamine, hindamine,hindamine,hindamine,tootmistehnika hindamine, masinate hindamine

evaluation, market value, equipment evaluation, asset evaluation, asset expert

metallipinkide hindamine, puidupinkide hindamine, traktori hindamine, kombaini hindamine


ValueExpert LLC is a company formed in 2008 that offers a movable property appraisal service. At first we specialised in appraising industrial equipment, but over the years we have expanded our expertise to construction and aquatic equipment, cars, trucks and trailers. Our goal is to offer a service where the customer gets everything appraised in one location.

In addition we offer a service for asset realisation. We have experience organising dismantling, arranging transport, finding storage locations or suitable warehouses and selling your assets. We are aided by our long-term international contacts and experience – we have been operating in the field for 12 years.

The keywords of our services are flexibility, speed, reliability, comfort and independence. Most Estonian financial and credit institutions are our partners.In addition, our services are used by bailiffs, trustees in bankruptcy and auditors. We have good contacts in international property sales portals and we closely interact with different vendors and importers.

Looking forward to working with you,

ValueExpert LLC